Melania is poised to be the NEW “Plastic Surgery Pin Up Girl!” As Melania Trump continues to make the news, more and more people are reporting to want to be like her — or at least look like her.
is one such patient who sought out Dr. Franklin Rose for her “Melania Makeover.” Cancer survivor Claudia’s surgeries included a revision breast reconstruction after cancer surgery, revision rhinoplasty to correct the bump on her nose (her previous rhinoplasty was performed by another surgeon), a “mommy makeover” to include a tummy tuck, liposuction and brazilian buttock lift and eyelid lift, along with some Botox, fillers, and injectable treatments.MELANIA IN THE MAKING – “I want to feel like the First Lady that I know I am inside,” said Claudia. “Melania for me illustrates power and strength; she is our First Lady and I am looking forward to more closely resembling her and becoming a better version of ME and for it to show on the outside.”
Following the media attention upon the announcement of breast cancer survivor Claudia Sierra’s plastic surgery procedures she underwent in June to more closely resemble Melania Trump, as noted in
Life & Style Magazine, The New York Post, The Daily Star, The Daily Mail, Newsweek, Harper’s Bazaar and many more, Claudia celebrated her transformation at her exclusive reveal party with the television crew from Inside Edition & friends at luxe
51fifteen Cusine & Cocktails located at Saks 5th Avenue in the Houston Galleria on Thursday evening with the help of stellar team at Rexberry Events – ensuring another over-the-top fabulous & fashionable event for all those in attendance.